ORGOGLIO E RABBIA DI CAMBIANO – born: 10.05.02 – Esente CEA (12.07.02) – Esente HD-A



Countryman di Montenese


It. Ch., Int. Ch.

Matai Gold Spot

Engl. Ch.
Lynway Sandknocker

Engl. Ch.
Matai Flaming Jenny

Club. Ch.

Clorita Copy Cat at Camanna

Engl. Ch.
Can this be me at Camanna

Clorita Centrefold



W L’Italia di Cambiano



Int. Ch., French Ch.

Larsen of Colomber Field

Heysompark Huggy Bear

Evolene of Colomber Field


Around Midnight

Pick of the Litter di Cambiano

Up a Daisy nera di Cambiano