







le statistiche

dei Mondiali 2000

V° Trofeo Altea



Derived from field-hockey, ICE HOCKEY is a typical winter sport, not only very popular in Canada and the States, but also in all the center-eastern part of Europe and in Scandinavia.  From the very beginning in England, Ice Hockey attained to its technical maturity and won people's fancy, thanks to the Canadan League that studied it and fixed the rules for this game. Ice Hockey spread through Europe during the last decade of the XIX century; between 1908-1910 the first European championship was played and the Bohemian team was the winner. In Italy, Ice Hockey appeared for the first time in 1911 in Torino, thanks to the "Circolo Pattinatori del Valentino", but it started a noteworthy activity only in 1924 with the opening of the first artificial rink in the Ice Stadium of Via Piranesi, in Milan, which is still working, even though there are no more hockey teams playing there.


Ice Hockey practice, which had been a men's prerogative for a long time, caught on the girls only  few years ago. Female Ice Hockey in Italy is a rather young reality, a little more than a decade old, and the H.C. Lario Halloween - Altea, founded in the first months of the year 1987, was one of the first teams to practise this sport, that was played just for pleasure. Nowadays Female Ice Hockey does exist and our Italian National Team has just achieved the qualifying event for the World Ice Hockey Championship in March 2000.


Each team is made up of a maximum of 20 players plus 2 goalies. During the match both the teams draw up six players on the ice: a goalkeeper, two defensemen (well,..."defensewomen" in this case!) and three forwards. All of them can be freely substituted; all but the goalie, who needs an explicit permission of the three referees. The umpire is assisted by two linesmen, all of them are on the ice. The penalties are included in the played time and are divided in: minor penalty, major penalty, misconduct penalty and Match Penalty.
The referee signals the penalties with fixed gesture. The "punished" players are sent to penalty boxes ( one for each team), on the opposite side of the rink. The rink is divided into 3 equal parts: between the two red lines near the cages (goal lines) there are two blue lines that extend across the ice, 60 feet from each of the goals, and a center line, a red stripe that extends midway between the two goals. The game starts, at the beginning of each period, and after each goal scored, from the central face-off point, but there are 8 more face-off points, from which the puck is dropped by the referee in order to resume a game.
The Female A-team and B-team must wear all the protective equipment, especially the helmet with the shield. Boarding is not legal, even though body check is part of the game.

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Copyright © 2000 Hockey Club lario Halloween
Aggiornato il: 10 marzo 2000