Astrosex - Blowjobs, anality, cocks, pussy and Astrology

Couple affinity

Well! The female is Sagittarius and the male is Taurus
Now, some good tip for you!!

For him: Look at right!!!
He: laid down on the edge of the bed, he catches her hips and tries to keep them wide. She: shoulders to him, standing up, he permits that his penis penetrates determining the rhythm of the coitus with a very deep penetration.



For her: Look at right!!!
She: on a hip, she raises a leg leaning to the floor by an arm. He: from behind her, he keeps one of her legs high to promote the penetration. It is good for a man that has a very big rod.



For both: Look at right!!!
He: sit on the edge of the bed, he keeps the legs high and catches her hips. She: shoulders to him, she folds the bust backwards and, bent on her knees, she determines the rhythm of the penetration in the anus or in the vagina.



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