Copyright 2000-2004 Alfonso Ranieri
RxMUI is the definitive solution to create GUIs in ARexx macros.

RxMUI uses MUI, which is one of the best thing happened to Amiga so far, despite last strange decisions made by someone.

It means you will benefit of the MUI philosophy programming in your ARexx macros.

RxMUI will also introduce you in the wonderful world of the Object Oriented Programming in the most easy way, which is from a simple interpreted language like ARexx.

Read the RxMUI documentation for more info.

Here you may find a list of all the MUI classes and all the libraries needed to properly run RxMUI examples.


Name Version Size Description Status
rxmui.lha 40.9 (Archive Revision 4) 1023k MUI library for ARexx Freeware
rxmuiguide.lha 32.0 66k RxMUI 32.0 documentation in a single AmigaGuide format file Freeware
rxmuiguides.lha 32.0 93k RxMUI 32.0 documentation in various AmigaGuide format files Freeware