developed by Cristiano Tagliamonte aka awaken

Page under construction

The first beta version of ShocK 3D engine for Java is out.

Available demos of ShocK 3D engine:

Solar Take a look at solar system through Solar, an interactive real-time 3D navigator. Nine synthetic planets plus moon and sun are rightly reproduced. Actually all animations are empirically computed, while the planets proportions reflect the same of the universe. It features advanced lightsourcing and rendering effects. Smell 15 high-res textures, 3D data and Java applet in just 125kb.
Viewer ShocK engine is able to import VRML 2.0 data and render it in runtime. Viewer is an impressive demostration that loads and draws a mesh of Venus, made up of thousands of polygons. It features Environment Mapping for rendering specular highlights, Antialiasing for better image quality and Motion Blur to improve animation. Mesh, textures and Java applet in less then 50kb.
Torus Lighting This little demonstration is called Torus Lighting and shows ShocK engine capabilities for handling multiple colored lightsources using a modified version of Phong Illumination Model, Gouraud Shading and Environment Mapping . It does not load any mesh data, but the 3D engine computes it directly. All lightsources are traced by applying Alpha Blending technique of shiny images. Textures and Java applet are compressed in 76kb.

Comments and bug reports are welcome to

Copyright 2001 Cristiano Tagliamonte aka awaken.

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