Investigation of the effect of temperature gradients on the

response of a glucose biosensor


M. Santucci1,2, M. Portaccio1,2, M.S. Mohy Eldin1, S.Rossi1, U. Bencivenga1,

F.S. Gaeta1 and D.G. Mita1,2


1Istituto Internazionale di Genetica e Biofisica, CNR – Via G. Marconi, 10 - 80125 Napoli

2Dipartimento di Fisiologia Umana e Funzioni Biologiche Integrate "F. Bottazzi", Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia, II Università di Napoli, Via S.M. di Costantinopoli, 16 – 80138 Napoli

The effects of a temperature gradient applied across the catalytic membrane of a glucose biosensor have been studied with reference to its characteristic parameters. Dynamic response, steady-state response and response time have been investigated as a function of glucose concentration and of the applied temperature difference. The results obtained under non-isothermal conditions, compared with those obtained under comparable isothermal conditions, evidenced an increase in the dynamic and steady-state responses as well as in the sensitivity and a decrease of the response times. These results suggest the opportunity of designing a new class of biosensors. 

Keywords: Non-isothermal biosensors, glucose determination, glucose oxidase, grafted membranes, biocatalytic membranes, biosensors.