Superoxide and nitric oxide radicals as modulating agents of enzymatic sensor responses


L.Campanella, L. Persi, M.Tomassetti

University of Rome "La Sapienza" Chemistry Departement.

P.le Aldo Moro, 5-00185 Rome (Italy)


A study was made of the modulating action on the enzymatic activity of the enzymes tyrosinase and superoxide dismutase by two respectively interfering radicals - the superoxide and the nitric oxide radical. This was done using a tyrosinase and superoxide dismutase biosensor, respectively, the response of which to the respective substrates had been recorded in the presence and absence of interfering agent In both cases. The concentration of the interfering radicals may be determined by constructing previously suitable calibration curves.

Keywords: superoxide, nitric oxide, radicals, detection, biosensors.