A nascent idea for connecting Biosensor related WEB-sites


Let's build a global network on Biosensors!

Let's build a global network on Biosensors!
Let's build a global network on Biosensors!

B-SENSNet is a nascent idea for a searchable database of technology development, research progress and trends in the field of biosensors.Because of the exponential increase in site number all over the world, search engine sites are improoving their performances every day  but, as a result, finding information is becoming tedious and unfruitful in spite of queries of ever increasingly complexity. The innovative and powerful logic of the hypertext is becoming perverse and time consuming and leads to global but superficial knowledge, extended but unuseful information.

The B-SENSNet "unstructured" structure
From these considerations  the idea of establishing a global network on biosensor related topics arises. Not a common, single site with an ever increasing number of links, centralized and mediated, but a virtual site composed from a high number of pages in the world, decentralized, without an home page or a parent site, without any hierarchy but with a common feeling, a unique theme: BIOSENSORS. All the participants will put the same B-SensNet page with a searchable, downloadable database on their own sites. This page, common for all the participants, will be linked to their own home page. Each participant will be the center of the network and will collect, update and send the data from new participants to all the other sites in the world. At this step only the present page is available for the members with the aim of collecting a mailing list.

  As soon as possible, this page, present on each member site, will be replaced with the presentation of the project and with the database which will be searchable on line and/or downloadable. In addition, a second B-SENSNet page will be available on the site of each participant, with "local" or country specific information related to biosensors and edited from the responsible of the local B-SENSNet site. This approach has the advantages of delocalization and decentralization: the same database will be available in many sites and diffusion should increase exponentially. The users will query a large dbase with selected topics without rubbish and unuseful or off topic information.

How to become a B-SENSNet member
If you want to participate please fill in the following form (with the data fields needed for the database) and submit it. In a couple of days you'll receive a copy of this page (customized for your site) and the B-SENSNet logo to be put on your web site. Your group and your web site will be added to the database and for this reason you will receive adhesions of new members to B-SENSNet. Once again you will send a copy of the page and the logo to them. Each participant will send monthly the new adhesion update to all the members in the mailing list. Links to not member sites are also accepted if well organized for the dbase (i.e. with the right fields: Name, e-mail, organisation, homepage, postal address and keywords).


YES! I'm ready to become a member of B-SensNet*

First Name
Last Name
Address 1
Address 2
Postal Code
Phone Number
Fax Number
Email Address
Secondary Email


Fields of applications:
Other  - specify:         


Other - specify:          



Piezoelectric crystals 
Optical fibers 
Other - specify:          

Analytical Preferences:
Other - specify:           





Please indicate any other information you think might be helpful


* Per effettuare la registrazione on-line occorre che nel browser sia selezionato il programma di posta elettronica.

- Per chi usa Internet Explorer occorrerà andare sulla finestra "visualizza" quindi selezionare "opzioni internet", andare su "programmi" ed indicare il programma di posta elettronica dopodichè cliccare su "applica" quindi su "ok".

- Per chi impiega come browser Netscape Communicator, occorrerà andare sulla finestra "modifica"  selezionare "Posta e gruppi" quindi "Server di posta" e riempire le voci riguardanti il "nome utente" e il "Server per invio posta (SMTP)" e cliccare su "ok".

Ó Copyright by the members of B-SENSNet
