Dale, Mri Phuri daj: note grammaticali

Te marel:          punire, colpire, battere


me marav        amen maram
tu mares          tumen maren
jov/joj marel    jon maren

            passato (remoto):

me mard'om         amen mard'am
tu mard'a              tumen mard'an
jov/joj mard'al      jon marde

passato (imperftto), 2^ conditionale (Sono solito colpire.  Colpirei.)

me maravas               amen maravahas
tu marehas                 tumen marenas
jov/joj marelas           jon marenas

3^ conditionale (Avrei colpito.):

me marl'omas            amen marl'amas
tu marl'alas                tumen marl'anas
jov/joj marl'ahas        jon marlehas

futuro: (Colpirň)

me marava                amen maraha
tu mareha                  tumen marena
jov/joj marela            jon marena

Altri verbi in-EL
te kerel               (to do/to make) (fare)
te avel                (to come, to arrive) (venire, arrivare)
te cinel               (to buy) (comprare)
te phenel            (to say/to tell) (dire, raccontare)
te vakerel           (to speak [origin of the English word "pucker"]) (parlare)
te duminel          (to think) (pensare)
te bešel               (to sit) (sedere)
te mukhel            (to leave [abandon] something or someone) (lasciare, abbandonare)
te čumidel           (to kiss) (baciare)
te giľel                (to sing) (cantare)
te vičinel             (to call) (chiamare)
te sikhavel          (to teach) (insegnare)
te pes sikhavel    (to learn ["to teach oneself"]) (imparare)
te čorel               (to steal) (rubare)
te tavel               (to cook) (cucinare)
te phučel            (to ask) (domandare, chiedere)
te bašavel           (to play [music]) (suonare)
te bašinel            (to play [games]) (giocare)
te pijel                (to drink, to smoke) (bere, fumare)  Me pijav lovina.  Joj pijel marijuana.  
te sajinel             (to regret) (rincrescere, dispiacere) Me sajinav [I'm sorry. ("I regret.")]
te šunel               (to listen) (ascoltare)
te sadžinel          (to plant) (piantare)
te džanel             (to know) (conoscere)
te kamel              (to want, to love) (desiderare, volere, amare)
te il'el                 (to promise, to marry) (promettere, sposare)
te kerel lubipen   (to put on the red light [do prostitution]) (prostituirsi)
te pichinel           (to shoot) (sparare)
te bisterel            (to remember) (ricordare)
te romňarel pes   (to dress in women's clothing [about transvetites]) (travestirsi)
te pratinel           (to wash, to clean) (lavare, pulire)
te dikhel              (to watch, to see, to look) (guardare, osservare, vedere)
te sovel               (to sleep) (dormire)
te phirel              (to run) (correre)
te sivel                (to sew) (cucire)
te l'ikerel            (to hold on, to live through smthg, to put up with) (mantenere)
te rovel               (to cry) (gridare)
te kerel but'i       (to work ["to do work"]) (lavorare)
te dromarel        (to travel, to wander) (viaggiare, immaginare)
te thovel             (to wear, to take) (indossare, prendere)
te del                  (to give) (dare)
te pot'inel           (to pay) (pagare)
te bikenkerel       (to sell) (vendere)
te murdarel        (to kill, to murder) (uccidere)
te marel pes       (to fight [eachother]) (combattersi, lottare)
te ginel              (to count) (contare)


te mušinel  (+infinito)             dovere          Tuke Mušinav te phenel.
                                                                   (Io devo dirtelo.)
                                                                                Tuke na mušinav te phenel.
                                                                               (Non ho bisogno di dirtelo.)

šaj/našti (+verbo coniugato)    potere           Šaj/Našti phenav tuke.
                                                                  (Io posso/non posso dirtelo.)