Elis World! Elis shadow
On March, 3029, Elis was born on the Eastern side of Khtuli, unofficial satellite of Garage.

Mister Fred Blasy proclaimed his indiviual ostility to every non-commercial, stand-alone enterprise--- is the official birth date of a new era of voyaging into the deep of external clouds...

Other cosmos are known, since far E. Iannus discovered the relativity of space distance in the new enlarged experimental sintesys of consciousness. 

What about Elis parents?...

What about her world?...

History is Made External clouds Inner Bevel



Elis crew
Elis goes to shopping
In the House of Elis






About Maurizio Boscarol
This place is your!... Become an exclusive partner of this site, in the deeper digital space.

Write to me >->->
I'm standing out there

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ElisWorld is copyright 2000 by Maurizio Boscarol
Visual Works&Design.

L'insolito Sito:


Mauro Boscarol
[graphic consulant]

---not me!!---

[Mirco Pasqualini Lab]
