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*** o3find - Version 0.8.2

Full Text Search for StarOffice and OpenOffice.org

This program can find text in many StarOffice / OpenOffice.org
(from now, SO/OOo) documents. You can look for a word, part of 
a word or a phrase in multiple files and directories.
You can also search other types of documents 

(e.g. plain text, Microsoft Office, etc.)

*** What's new

In 0.8.2
* Only the WinGUI edition was changed

In 0.8.1
* New "-nostyle" option to ignore styles and paragraphs

In 0.8
* Support for search in all files, not only SO/OOo
(see "-f" option)
* New "-ao" option to search currently open files

In 0.72
* New option: -exec
* Support special characters, like accented letters (except for Windows 95)

In 0.70
* -d can specify many directories
* Bugs fixed
* Support for the following special characters: < > & ' "

In 0.62
* New options: -meta, -metaonly

In 0.60
* New options: -f, -e, -b, -nf
* -files:stdin option renamed to -input

*** System Requirements

- PC (386 or compatible) with Microsoft Windows (95/98/ME/NT4/2000/XP)

The program does NOT require StarOffice or OpenOffice.org to be installed.

*** Installation

Uncompress the ZIP archive into a directory of your choice.
The program is easier to use if you put the o3find.exe file in a directory
listed in the PATH environment variable (for further information about PATH,
see your Windows documentation).

To uninstall the program, simply delete the o3find.exe file.

*** Instructions

This is a simple command-line tool, it must be executed 
from a DOS-like command prompt.

NOTE: o3find does NOT work if you restart Windows 9x/ME in DOS mode.

	 o3find [options] -s <searchstring> 

 <searchstring> The text you wish to find.

  To find a word (or part of a word), simply type it, e.g.:
	o3find -s hello

  To find a phrase containing spaces (or special characters like < or > ), 
  enclose it in double quotes.
	o3find -s "hello world"

NOTE FOR WINDOWS 95 USERS: special characters like accented letters 
are not supported on Windows 95.
	 e.g. To search for "perchè" on Windows 95, type "perch"
By default the program searches only in files with ".sx?" extension,
typical of StarOffice / OpenOffice.org documents.
sxw = Text Document (Writer)
sxc = Spreadsheet (Calc)
sxd = Drawing (Draw)
sxi = Presentation (Impress)
sxm = Formula (Math)
sxg = Master Document (global document)
To loook in other kinds of files see the "-f" option

Options (the order is not important)
Warning: the options must be typed lowercase.

  -d <directory> [<directory>...]
 	Directory to search (the end slash is not needed)
	If <directory> is omitted, the current directory is searched
If the path contains spaces, enclose it in double quotes.
	 o3find -d d:\mydocs -s dog  
	 o3find -d d:\mydocs\ -s "cats and dogs" 
	 o3find "c:/documents and settings/jack/" -s dog  

You can specify many directories:
	 o3find -d d:\mydocs c:\otherdocs -s dog  

  -i  	Ignore case 
By default, the program is case sensitive. E.g. the following looks for documents 
containing the exact word "laura" - lowercase:

	o3find -s laura

The following finds "laura", "Laura", "LAURA", etc.:

	o3find -i -s laura

Note that a case-insensitive search is usually slower than a case-sensitive one.

  -r  	Search subdirectories 

By default, the program searches for files in only one directory (the current one, or the 
one specified with -d)
With -r the program searches for files in all the subdirectories of the search directory.

 -f <pattern> [<pattern>...] Find specified file name(s)/pattern(s)

With this option the program searches the file names or patterns (with wildcards)
listed after -f (separated by spaces).

E.g. the following finds the word "Hamlet" in a file named "denmark.sxw"

	o3find -f denmark.sxw -s Hamlet

E.g. the following finds the word "Hamlet" in Calc and Impress documents

	o3find -f *.sxc *.sxi -s Hamlet

E.g. the following finds the word "Hamlet" all files, including for example
text or Microsoft Office files.
WARNING: this option can slow down the search.

	o3find -f *.* -s Hamlet

NOTE: if you use the "-f" option to look in non-OOo-format files,
matching lines are NEVER shown.

  -e  	Do not show errors and warnings

Use this option to hide errors and warnings 
(e.g. conflicting options). 

 -b       Brief mode (do not show matching lines)

Show matching file names only (faster search).
NOTE: if you use the "-f" option to look in non-OOo-format files,
matching lines are NEVER shown, regardless of the "-b" option.

 -ao       Already Open mode

This option allows o3find to search even files that are already open 
by SO/OOo or other programs (thus avoiding the "Permission denied"
error messagge).
 When used, o3find reads the document as it was
before opening, or the last time it was saved (it cannot detect
unsaved changes)

Use this option carefully: if a document is changed while o3find
is reading it, errors may occur.

 -nostyle       Ignore formats, styles and paragraphs

Look for text "across" different formats, fonts, styles and paragraphs
(this option applies to SO/OOo documents ONLY)
For example, suppose you want to look for the text "in the middle of the line"
and the word "middle" is bold or italic.
You won't find it... unless you use the "-nostyle" option.

NOTE 1: the "-nostyle" option automatically activates the brief mode (-b)
NOTE 2: the "-nostyle" option slows down the search

  -nf    Show even files where the search text was not found

By default, the program show only matching files. Use -nf to show 
BOTH matching AND non-matching files. E.g.:

	o3find -s Bjarne -nf

Example: the following shows ONLY the files NOT containing 
the word "Bjarne":

	o3find -s Bjarne -nf -b | find "not found"

  -meta     Search metadata.

Look for the search text both in document content and in meta data.
E.g. find all the documents edited by Smith, or containing the word 'Smith'.

	o3find -r -meta -s Smith 

NOTE: This option works for SO/OOo documents only.
If you use the "-f" option to look in non-OOo-format files, 
this option is ignored for those files.

  -metaonly     Search metadata only (ignore document content).

The same as -meta, but doesn't search the content. This allow a faster search 
if you are interested in meta data only.

-meta and -metaonly cannot be used together

NOTE: This option works for SO/OOo documents only.
If you use the "-f" option to look in non-OOo-format files, 
this option is ignored for those files.

 -exec <command> Execute the command for each found file

The specified command is executed on matching files ONLY. 
The command must be enclosed in double quotes.
Use the {} symbol where the file name should appear: 
the symbol {} in <command> will be replaced with the found file name, 
automatically enclosed in double quotes (thus, do NOT enclose {} in  double quotes).

Examples: delete the found documents (WARNING: the files are physically removed, they
are NOT moved to the Recycle Bin and you CANNOT restore them!)

	o3find -s "waste paper" -exec "DEL {}"

Rename the found files:

	o3find -s Obsolete -exec "COPY {} {}.old"

Note that the {} symbol is included twice (see START command documentation)

	o3find -s Interesting -exec "START {} {}"

  -input 	Read files to find from the standard input
  	 If this option is specified, -d and -r are ignored

When -input is specified, the program reads the list of file names to search for 
from the standard input (typed with the keyboard, read from a text file, or piped 
from another command). The files names must be separated by newlines
and cannot contain wildcards.

E.g. type :
	o3find -input -s "cats and dogs"
and press ENTER. Then type some file names, and press ENTER after each name.
Then, press CTRL+Z.

E.g. the following finds the phrase "cats and dogs" in ALL files in the current 
directory and subdirectories, sorting files by date (oldest files are shown first)

	dir *.* /s /b /OD | o3find -s "cats and dogs" -input

-input and -f cannot be used together

*** Source code

The source code has been compiled under Windows (98 and XP Pro) 
with Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 (SP5).

At the moment the program is available under Windows only, but I believe
that it can be easily ported to other systems (mainly Linux).

The ZipArchive library source code is included in the source package,
but without the related documentation (to save space).

IMPORTANT: the ZipArchive library source code has been modified
to implement some o3find features.

*** Limitations

This program cannot read encrypted files.
This program cannot read compressed files, except, of course, SO/OOo documents.

Non-OOo files are searched as binary files, so that the problem of 
"false positives" arises. This problem occurs often with search programs. Suppose, 
for example, that you are looking for the word "Times":  o3find will list as 
matching all your Microsoft Office documents that use the "Times New Roman" 
font, even if the word "Times" does not appear in the "actual" document. 
In the same way, o3find may find words like "Baseline" in a PDF document 
because they are PDF keywords.

This program does not support UNICODE characters, but ordinary ANSI 
character can be found in both ANSI and UNICODE files.

*** Licensing Information

o3find - Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Paolo Copello
Freely distributable under the terms of the GNU GPL.

    This program  is free software ("free" as in freedom); 
    you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA


ZipArchive library - creation, modification and decompression of "zip" format archives
Copyright (C) 2000 - 2003 Tadeusz Dracz.

CCmdLine - A utility for parsing command lines.
Copyright (C) 1999 Chris Losinger, Smaller Animals Software.

Special thanks to Laura Mensi, Elena Brescacin and Paolo Attivissimo

Sun and StarOffice are registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. 
Microsoft, Windows and Microsoft Office are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.

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Copyright © 2003-2005 Paolo Copello.
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