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Printmaking, a bibliography

L'acquaforte, by F. Melis - Marini. Manuale Hoepli 1924
L'acquaforte, la stampa degli artisti,by Nereo Tedeschi. Editrice Campione, Milano, 1980
The Art of Aquatint, by B. F. Morrow. G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York, 1935.
The Art of Etching, by E. S. Lumsden. I. P Lippincott Co., Philadelphia, 1926.
Atelier 17. Wittenborn, Schultz, Inc., New York, 1949.
Cahiers d'Art, Juin, 1953, "Rolf Nesch," by Will Grohman.
The Caprices of Goya, by Jean Adhemar. Fernand Hazan, Paris, 1951.
Care and Repair of Japanese Prints, by Cari Schraubstadter. Idlewild Press, New York, 1948.
Etching, by Earl H. Reed. G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York (n.d.).
Etching, Engraving and other Intaglio Printmaking Techniques, by Ruth Leaf. Dover Publications inc, New York 1976
Hercules Seghers, by Leo C. Collins. The University of Chicago Press, 1953.
Incisioni Fiorentine del Quattrocento, by Lamberto Donati. Istituto Italiano d'Arte Grafiche, Bergamo, 1944.
Die Kunst der Graphik, by Walter Koschatzky. Deutcher Taschenbuch Verlag 1983
Der Kupferstich, by Friedrich Lippmann. Verlag Walter de Gruyter, Berlin und Leipzig 1926
Master Prints from the Museum Collection, William Lieberman. Museum of Modem Art Bulletin, Voi. XVI, No. 4, 1949, New York.
The Memoriai Exhibition of Hiroshige, by S. Watanabe. Ukiyoye Association, Tokyo, 1918.
New Ways of Gravure, by Stanley W. Hayter. Pantheon Books, New York, 1949.
Nouveau manuel complet du graveur en creux et en relief, 2 vol. Manuel Roret, Paris 1894
The Origins of Printing and Engraving, by André Blum. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, 1940.
Il percorso dell'incisione europea da Schongauer ai Tiepolo, a cura di Gilio Lari e Maddalena Cornaggia. Gallerie Salomon 1984
Printmaking, methods old and new, by Gabor Peterdi. The Macmillan Company, New York, 1959
Saturn: An Essay on Goya, by André Malraux. Phaidon, London, 1957.
Screen Process Printing, by Albert Kosloff. Sign of the Times Publishing Co., Cincinnati, Ohio, 1950.
La stampa d'arte: incisione,by Filippo maggio. Il Castello, s.d.
Ten Years of American Prints 1947-1956, by Una E. Johnson. The Brooklyn Museum, New York, 1956.
A Treatise on Etching, by Maxime Lalanne. The Page Co., Boston (n.d.).
Vespignani ... catalogo dell'opera incisoria... Franca May edizioni, Roma 1982
Wood-Block Printing, by F. Morley Fletcher. John Hogg, London, 1916.

In addition to theoretical and practical instruction, gained frequenting art schools and professional printers' workshops, I am much indepted to the book by Peterdi, and to the Diderot and d'Alembert Encyclopédie: if you go carefully through it, it is true now what it was true 250 years ago: first learn to draw.