Plank constant "h".

This paragraph will have dedicated to an of the fundamental constants of the modern physics, that we derive by the study of the laws on the gravity. How the constant of Plank "h"is derived using only the laws of the gravity by us developed, without do employs of the electromagnetism. Is past more than five years by the discovery of the waves gravitational, and in all this time we has resolved a big quantity of equations concerning it is the electric field, that the magnetic field, that the gravitational field unified by an unique mediator; the particle of space. He for the moment is enough binding explain as the unification of the three forces happens, this will be made in succession and with longer times. The new occurrence that now there describes, he is in the calculate the constant of Plank "h" in the following way. He with the new laws of the gravity is had that:

h = ( mps * lps * c ) / 4           (1)

mps = mass of the space particle

lps = side of the space particle

c = light speed

Like you could see, in the inferior figure, the particle of space has divided in two portions perfectly equal he is in physical dimensions that in mass, that in electric charge; and both the portions have linked up through them. Therefore, when

it gets a energy for to bend, he is always obtained a particle and an antiparticle. Example: if for the warp use 1.2 mega elettronvolt, I obtain an electron and a positron. If instead use around 2 giga elettronvolt, I obtain a proton and an antiproton. Be the electron that the proton is, together to the particle of space, the unique stable particles at infinite life. All the others decays. Now, since the electron, for have produced has need of not much energy, his physical size will be more than that spherical, of equal volume (almost) to the volume of half of the particle of space. The proton instead, since he has required an energy 1836 times greater than the electron, he will always be spherical, but he will have a radius that will be 1/2 that of the electron, and a volume 1/8 of these. additionally the proton will be eight times denser than the particle of space, and he will have his interior portion a dielectric constant two times greater than that of the space. Both the particles spin at the light speed on all the dots of the external surface. Done these premises, he could be calculated with good approximation, it is the radius of the electron that the radius of the proton. The accuracy of this calculation approaches of much to the accuracy of the constant of Plank and to the mass of the proton.

Calculation of the mass of the space particle:

mps = 2 * ( mpr - 2 * ( mee + mme )) / .875.

mpr = mass of the proton.

mee = electric mass of the electron.

mme = magnetic mass of the electron.

.875 = push of Archimede, ( since the proton is immersed in a fluid, the space.)

From the (1), I could calculate the side of the particle of space. The cube of this side he provide the double of the volume of the electron. And I of consequence derive the ray of the electron. The ray of the proton is even to 1/2 the ray of the electron. From the calculus results that the ray of the electron is even to:

re = 1.14034477 * 10^-15 meters.

Additionally ( mee + mme ) = 1.2830362 * 10^-30 kilograms.

mps = 3.8172697 * 10^-27 kilograms.

lps = 2.3160203 * 10^-15 meters

Space density = 3.0727396 * 10^17 kilograms / m^3

If to execute the calculus of the radius of the electron using the magnetic moment of the electron and of the proton, I obtain a value slightly different and that is:

re = 1.1515 * 10^-15 meters, approximately 1% greater.