The project consists of three parts:

1st part:

Link with last year work


The students have been divided in three groups; each group has studied the project made by a foreign partner and then has made questions about the project to his partners that have made the work.

These are the questions made to each partner:











2nd part

The students have produced a video showing the groups involved in the project and a specified aspect of their social and cultural environment.


Students involved in the project:



Lucy Inguanti Gabriella Agosta Vanessa Impeduglia Antonio Scollo

Mariana Campo Giuseppe Ferro Rosalinda Pizzino

Vanessa Carlaffo Salvatore Piccione Graziella Dinaro

Enza Lo Pizzo Rosa Susanna Bombagi Fernando Russo

Mirian Ferraro Enrica Bombagi Francesco La Rosa

Marianna Liggieri Massimo Privitelli Cristina Scevola

Tiziana Cimino Gianfranco Di Bernardo Vanessa Randone

Maria Giovanna Italia


Each group has worked on a book, on a film and on a castle