HTML Source:
	<APPLET CODE="animation.class" WIDTH=425 HEIGHT=60>
	<PARAM NAME=message1 VALUE="THE">
	<PARAM NAME=message2 VALUE="GratisFree">
	<PARAM NAME=fgColor1 VALUE="red">
	<PARAM NAME=fgColor2 VALUE="blue">
	<PARAM NAME=fgColor3 VALUE="red">
	<PARAM NAME=bgColor VALUE="yellow">
	<PARAM NAME=forEver VALUE="true">
	<PARAM NAME=Delay VALUE="100">

Give Me That Applet.....
Applet Parameters
message1 The message string to be displayed on top. "No Message" string is displayed
message2 The message string displayed in BOLD. "Enter Message" string is displayed
message3 The message string displayed at the bottom. "No Message" string is displayed
fgColor1 ForeGround Color of the first message.
The colors can be specified in the hexa-decimal format eg "FFFFFF" for black, "FF0000" for red etc.
The other way is that the applet recognises the most common Color strings like "black", "red", "blue", teal" etc
fgColor2 ForeGround Color of the second message.
The colors can be specified in the hexa-decimal format eg "FFFFFF" for black, "FF0000" for red etc.
The other way is that the applet recognises the most common Color strings like "black", "red", "blue", teal" etc
fgColor3 ForeGround Color of the third message.
The colors can be specified in the hexa-decimal format eg "FFFFFF" for black, "FF0000" for red etc.
The other way is that the applet recognises the most common Color strings like "black", "red", "blue", teal" etc
bgColor Background Color of the applet.
The colors can be specified in the hexa-decimal format eg "FFFFFF" for black, "FF0000" for red etc.
The other way is that the applet recognises the most common Color strings like "black", "red", "blue", teal" etc
forEver True or False.
This parameter specifies if the animation is to be for ever or just once.
If set to FALSE, the animation will stop after the first round. to start it again, bring the mouse over the applet.
If set to TRUE, the animation continues as long as the applet is active
Delay Integer value
This parameter specifies the delay in animation.
The smaller the delay, the faster the animation