
Swiss National Bank
The Swiss National Bank conducts the country's monetary policy as an independent central bank. In conjunction with fiscal and competition policy, this serves to create an appropriate environment for economic growth. The National Bank is obliged by Constitution and statute to act in accordance with the interests of the country as a whole. It considers price stability to be a primary goal.

Confederazione Svizzera
Le autorità federali della Confederazione Svizzera.

Il Parlamento Svizzero

Il Consiglio federale

Cancelleria della Confederazione svizzera

Dipartimento federale dell'interno (DFI)

Dipartimento federale degli affari esteri (DFAE)

Dipartimento federale dell’economia (DFE)

Amministrazione federale delle finanze (AFF)


Swiss Statistics

Indirizzi utili

Swiss yellow pages

Index of Swiss Business, Companies, Hotels and Tourism in Switzerland.

Istituti di ricerca

Swiss Institute for Research in International Economics and Applied Economic Research (SIAW)
It hosts research and consulting to relevant issues of economic policy with regard to policy areas, international economic relations, labour market policies, environmental policy, the reform of tax and social security systems and direct democracy are priority areas for research and policy advice.


Direzione dello sviluppo e della cooperazione (DSC)

International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD)
News, publications, information, calendars and links related to international trade, environment and sustainable development.


Trade with Switzerland (OSEC)
Trading information for companies in and outside Switzerland.


Swiss Stock Exchange (SWX)
Realtime stock indices and daily data on shares, bonds, warrants, options and futures listed in Switzerland.

Indicatori economici

Segretario di Stato dell'economia (seco)

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