Temi del nostro tempo


tecnologia e New Economy: la velocissima diffusione di Internet come cambierą la nostra vita?

- aspetti sociali: come adeguarsi all'invecchiamento della popolazione?

- ambiente: lo sviluppo economico rappresenta una minaccia al nostro benessere?

I due problemi centrali e determinanti nel lungo periodo sono quello demografico e quello ecologico.

Eric Hobsbawm, 1995

Tecnologia e New Economy

Soul of the New Economy
A new genre, call it "The Businessman as Revolutionary," has corporate culture co-opting counterculture in the Internet economy. Yet, as Jeremy Rifkin argues in The Age of Access, it's capitalism itself that may be transformed -- and not necessarily for the better.
Scott Stossel. Da Atlantic Monthly.

Beyond the Information Revolution
Di Peter F. Drucker. Da Atlantic Monthly.

Building Wealth
The new rules for individuals, companies, and nations.
Lester Thurow. Da Atlantic Monthly.

La minaccia capitalista
Di George Soros. Da Atlantic Monthly.

The OECD Growth Project
Website devoted to the OECD’s project on economic growth provides links to working papers, articles, speeches, workshops and reports prepared by OECD staff and gives links to other organisations and sites that are of special interest to the Growth Project.

World Future Society
Nonprofit educational and scientific organization for people interested in how social and technological developments are shaping the future. With 30,000 members, the Society serves as a nonpartisan clearinghouse for ideas about the future, including forecasts, recommendations, scenarios, alternatives, and more.

Fast Company Magazine
Fast Company Magazine was founded on a single premise: a global revolution was changing business, and business was changing the world. Discarding the old rules of business, Fast Company set to chronicle how changing companies create and compete, to highlight new business practices, and to showcase the teams and individuals who are inventing the future and reinventing business.


Our Real China Problem
The price of China's surging economy is a vast degradation of the environment, with planetary implications. Although the Chinese government knows the environment needs protection, writes the author, who spent six weeks inside China investigating the growing environmental crisis, it fears that doing the right thing could be political suicide.
Di Mark Hertsgaard. Da Atlantic Monthly.

Il Mondo Senza Fine
Economia, Ambiente, e Sviluppo Sostenibile: Un Sommario.
Sul sito della Banca Mondiale.

OECD ONLINE - Sustainable Development
Sustainable development is one of the five priority areas for the future work of the Organisation identified in 1997 by OECD Secretary-General, Donald J. Johnston.

Aspetti sociali

Maintaining Prosperity in an Ageing Society - Ageing working papers
The OECD Horizontal Project on the Policy Implications of Ageing.

The Economic Impacts of Ageing
Secular declines in birth rates and rises in life expectancy have meant that the average ages of the populations of what are now the OECD countries have been rising for at least a century and a half. But the rapidity of the demographic developments now affecting the OECD economies is unprecedented, which raises very large questions for policy-makers.

La sicurezza sociale deve essere raggiunta mediante la cooperazione tra lo Stato e l'individuo. Lo Stato dovrebbe offrire sicurezza in cambio di prestazioni d'opera e di contributi, lasciando perņ che anche all'interno di un meccanismo previdenziale organizzato trovino spazio forme adeguate di incentivazione e responsabilizzazione, e pur stabilendo un minimo a livello nazionale dovrebbe comunque incoraggiare ciascun cittadino a integrare con un contributo volontario la somma minima prevista per sč e per la propria famiglia.

William Henry Beveridge, 1942

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