Miscellaneous page

I have always liked Disney characters,
even if I don't dislike Warner Bros (like Animaniacs)
and other kind of cartoons and characters...
every cartoon and style is worth to be seen but Disney
(in my opinion) own that something that make them special.
These are some drawings like fairies and Disney characters
(as the Sleeping Beauty - even if she woke up) I made.
Usually I like drawing evertything can share emotions...
So, hope you enjoy as I did!

That's me again... maybe,,, well, surely I'm much better here than live! Sometimes I run, sometimes I hide, sometimes I scare of my lines... and all I really want is to fade away, disappear, take my glasses away... so I just can't see my face! ;-)

WOW! The sleeping beauty finally woke up!

Once upon a time...
there was a very lazy girl
who spent all of her life
laying on the bed.
She didn't care about the world because she knew
there was Cinderella who made the homeworks and bought the food.
To tell the truth,
she also didn't eat
and became so thin that
often it was hard
to find her under sheets....

I'm here to save the savage garden! Trust me! ;-)

That's one of my fairies...
don't you believe I have some?


Watch me, I'm flying!!!!!!!!!!

And at the end of the day...
we throw garbage away!
Let's try to make a jam!
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