Savage GArdeN
in the Bootshapedland
I hope you come back soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Once again they're gonna crash into our world.. and that's no lie... but an
Some stills of the Showcase in the Bootshapedland gently given by Elena aka HellySavage.
Let's bow our head to her!!!! ;-)

You better watch out, you better not cry.. You better not pout.. I'm telling you why...
Savage Garden are coming to town!!!!!!!!!! LOL

Daniel and Leonie... and the italian driver who was nearly making them crash and burn... even if his intentions were only good!

Time to introduce themselves...

and wave to the crowd... "Ciao, mamma, can u see me?" - LOL

How long do I have to wait before singing????? God, help me!!!!

Time to say goodbye!!!!!!!

Thanks again for coming here...
I just can't wait to see you in Rome!

keep checkin' in