* Mojo's article about Nirvana's In Utero production by Steve Albini * 

Click here to download the entire article, this is a bigger file but you can see better all the exclusive Albini with Nirvana's pictures taken by Bob Weston too. (Clicca qui per scaricare l'intero articolo, č un file di grandi dimensioni ma si possono vedere nettamente meglio le esclusive foto di Albini con i Nirvana, alcune di esse sono state scattate da Bob Weston)  DOWNLOAD! (5,5 mb)

Click here if you want a smaller version of the article, the words are clear but photos are too small i think. (Clicca qui per scaricare una versione pių piccola dell'articolo, le parole sono leggibili ma le foto penso siano troppo piccole) DOWNLOAD! (1,8 mb)

I would like to scream a very special "THANK YOU!" to Zahir Hurranhebbataye from Birmingham, UK, he sended me the entire article by air mail, THIS IS PASSION guy! We all should say thanks to this nice guy :)) Thank you again man, you are a friend!