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Special Event
on Development Cooperation


International Seminar

Cooperation to Reduce Social Exclusion
27 June 2000
1.30 – 3.45 p.m.

Conference Centre of Varembé(CCV)
Room B
Rue de Varembé 9

Special Event on Development Co-operation



Chair: Jorge Perez, Executive Director, Office of the President of Guatemala

Introduction: Franco Rotelli, Coordinator, International Network of the Practices of Fight Against Social Exclusion, Italy

Participants include:

Mana Abdurahman, Water for Life Association, Somalia; Grégoire Ahongbonon, St. Camille de Lellis Association, Ivory Coast; Don Vinicio Albanesi, President, Italian Committee for Shelter Communities (CNCA), Comunità di Capodarco, Italy; Mayda Alvarez Suarez, Director of the Woman Study Centre of the Federation of Cuban Women, Cuba; Tarcisio Barbo, National Coordination of the Social Development Project ACLI (Christian Associations of Italian Workers), Italy; Alberta Basaglia, Responsible for Gender Cooperation Projects, Municipality of Venice, Italy; Roberto Beneduce, Director, Frantz Fanon Health Centre, Torino, Italy; Beppe Caccia,, Counsellor, Municipality of Venice; Representative, North-eastern Italian Centri Sociali; Francisco Cajao, Colombian Universities Association; Mariela Castro, Director of the National Centre for Sexual Education, Cuba; Roberto Colapietro, President of the Franco Basaglia Cooperative, Italy; Maria Pia Covre, President of the Italian Committee for the Prostitutes’ Civil Rights; Diana Çuli, President of the Albanian Women’s Forum; Vito Luigi Dattolico, Health Agency 2, Naples, Italy; Richard Dethyre, Representative, Association pour la Taxation des Transactions Financières pour l’Aide aux Citoyens (ATTAC), Paris, France; Anne Marie Fahrländer, Scientific Assessor, DCEE, Swiss Cooperation, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Switzerland; Mauro Falconetti, Director, Foyer Handicap Association, Switzerland; Donatella Fava, Field Officer, CRIC, Italian NGO; Giorgio Ferroni, Technical Officer, NGO Progetto Sviluppo  CGIL Liguria, Italy; Maurizio Focchi, President of the Citizenship Association, Italy; Maria Teresa Gatti, Desk for Latin American countries, AVSI, Italian NGO; Tatiana Lara, Coordinator, Civil Society Commission, Honduras; Ana Rocio Loboa, Director of the Vidacoop Cooperative Cali,Colombia; Diana Mauri, Milan-Bicocca University, Italy; Thierry Mertens, Director, WHO Mediterranean Centre for Vulnerability Reduction; Luis Hernandes Navarro, Councillor for the Peace Process, Mexico; Anna Pizzo, Journalist, Carta/Cantieri Sociali Cooperative, Italy; Patricia Rodriguez, Director of the Planning and Management Department of the Oficina del Historiador, Havana Vieja, Cuba; Giulio Russo, Field Officer, CESV, Italian NGO; Benedetto Saraceno, Director of the Department of Mental Health and Substance Dependence, Cluster Noncommunicable Diseases and Mental Health, W.H.O, Geneva; Sabina Siniscalschi, Segretario Nazionale, Manitese, Italian NGO; Fernanda Varela, Human Development Programme, Mozambique; Ernesto Venturini, Director of the Department of Mental Health, Public Health Agency of Imola, Italy; Martìn Vergara, Oficial, Municipality of Cali, Colombia.

Conclusions: Reinhart Helmke, Executive Director, UNOPS