Dear Participants to SPT2002,

this should be the last circular before the conference, except possibly for items related to the transfer from arrival point in Sardinia to Cala Gonone.

Please read carefully the following, in particular points 3 and 4.

[I realized that some participants sending in their registration form only lately (Previato, Tudoran, Planas Bielsa, Grabsi)did not receive my update about one week ago; all infos are however posted on the web.]

(1) TALKS etc

The length of talks will be of 30' .

There will be a overhead projector, unfortunately no blackboard. The program will be announced at the conference (depending also on wheather); however those of you required to give their talk in the first day will be approached next week (that is, before may 12).

We are sorry if you have not yet sent in your abstract it will not be possible to distribute it to participants with the other ones.


Instruction for authors are now posted on our proceedings page, where you can also access the World Scientific proceedings style file. The papers will have to be prepared in LaTeX2e, and the maximum length will be of 7 or 8 pages (to be announced at the conference); we understand some of you announced they would submit shorter papers, for which we understand we should expect about 3-4 pages.


In case there is any variation concerning your accommodation (or last minute cancellations), please contact immediately the HOTEL PALMASERA (*** not *** the central TIVIGEST office)

Tel (+39) 0784 93191

Fax (+39) 0784 93072


We have received your transfer forms; the detail of transfers will be posted on the web on monday.

Please check your details are correct, and send a mail if something should be changed. Similarly, if there is some last minute change (e.g. you are moved to a different flight) send a mail if you can.

For all communications concerning transfer use *ONLY* the mail address (*NOT* the standard conference address). For changes on thursday 16 or later, please also send a fax to G. Gaeta at the Palmasera number.

I remind you that all details of public transportation and taxi/minibus fares are posted on the web (transfer and local transportation pages).

Those not having received the previous update can still request us to organize their transfer, but please do it AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.


For those not having been in Cala Gonone last year: this is a very small place, and the hotel is not really organized for conferences etc. This means in practice that there is no copying facility within a few km. : please take with you a supply of your papers to be exchanged with other participants ! Similarly, if you need special items to give your talk (nice colour pens, figures to be copied on transparents, etc...), assume none of these will be available there, and come organized. We will have standard things (folder, paper, pens, a few spare slides) but no more. On the other hand, those coming with accompanying persons, including children, can be reassured the place is organized for them.

The full board accommodation includes, of course, breakfast and two meals (including standard drinks, i.e. water and wine); all other - bar - refreshments are not included.


If you are italian you probably know the place, or at least the island and its roads, no need for extra words. On the other hand, if you have never been there and know italian motorways and fast roads, then forget about those, and assume you will be slowly driving (in a nice scenery, at least), i.e. take your time when making your travel plans. Don't assume other drivers on the road are equally slow.

I remind you that maps are available on our web site under "local infos"; there you also find infos about tourist places and can extract ideas for stops along the way.

Giuseppe Gaeta

May 4, 2002

File translated from TEX by TTH, version 2.67.
On 6 May 2002, 00:19.