How stars born

Birth of stars, an event that happens continually in the universe, involve a large quantity of matter in a nebula.
Gas converges in the center of nebula, for the effect of gravity attraction.

When a big distant star dies, it explodes as supernova and gives off a large amount of energy. This energy runs into nebula and upsets the gas. ( You know stars life's cycle!)

Nebula - M20







Gravity attraction is the force (discovered by Isaac Newton ) that pulls down an apple from a tree. This force attracts of all the matter in direction of a common point, the center of the nebula.


GravityCompression of the gas in the center reduces volume and increases temperature.
( By the perfect gases' law ).

The nebula consist of the most simple gas in the universe: hydrogen ( H ), and this is the most plentiful gas in the universe.
Hydrogen isn't the only gas in this nebula. Infact there are helium ( gas inside balloon ) and other elements, like cosmic particles dust.
This particles are molecols (or a group of atoms).


Nebulae consist of:


Nebula ( the "factory" that makes stars ) has size can reach one hunder light years. That is, if you would across it (at the light year velocity) you spend about one hunder years.
When the atoms of H are merged in the center of nebula, it begins a process called nuclear fusion. It is the process that gives the higher energy from matter. Nuclear fusion needs an high temperature in order of begins.

In the beginning the nebulas have a temperature of about 100 °K (about -170°C) and their density is about one hundred of atoms for cubic meter, hundreds of times the density of the universe around.
In this time, when stars start nuclear fusion, they are called T TAURI star by the name of a star in the taurus constellation in the same condition. Usually, since this nebulas are wide and matter full, there are a birth of many stars. By the same nebula, so, borns many stars and they makes a "Open Cluster".

... Continue Part two