Products 08: 3D mass  
DESC: 	Product #08, 32 Masses 3D    
HIST: 	08-31-93  JLC  	Created file
      	04-21-94  JLC  	Rewrote task code to standard struct/format
      	05-17-94  JLC  	Moved TOF DMA handling from cis.asm to here
      	95-01-30  CAI  	Fixed bug which stopped prod after 1 spin. v1.53
      	95-11-13  CAI  	Update memory use comments.
      	96-01-13  CAI  	Implement 16-level prioritized tlm queues. v1.94
      	96-03-21  CAI  	Add tlm pkt timeout error post. v2.05
      	96-04-29  CAI  	Install shortened mass table (L. Kistler, 960426)
                     	in t-mass.asm; add TOF_offset; debug. v2.08
      	96-05-13  CAI  	Finish Mass_t entry & debug. v2.09
      	18-04-96  AMD   Ported code to  Esic renaming the original product #11 to #8.
                     	He considered the reduced sweeps # in getting the azim.
                     	position of the event. He reduced also the number of
                     	masses to 32. Such reduction was made just / 2 the
                     	original 64 masses output from TOF computational
      	14-03-97  AMD   V2.23 Ignore events from last (32nd) e-step. according 
                     	to CIS-1 v2.15
      	25-07-97  AMD   Introduced the semi-log TOF computation (lin. up to 20)
      This product monitors the TOF event interface via DMA data 
      collection.  Each event is binned into one of 32 Masses over
      6 solid angles at 8 different energy ranges.  The mass bin is 
      computed by adding an offset to the TOF value and multiplying 
      the sum by a table entry indexed by the HV energy step. 
      (The HV energy step is given by the markers in the DMA data 
      The mass conversion tables are given in T-MASS.ASM.
      The solid angle definition table is given in T-SANG.ASM.  
      The data structure used for collecting the binned events 
      is summarized below:
              Solid  Energy  Mass            Solid  Energy  Mass
      Offset  Angle  Energy  Mass    Offset  Angle  Energy  Mass
      ------  -----  ------  ----    ------  -----  ------  ----
          0      0       0     0       287      0       7    31
          1      0       0     1       288      1       0     0
          2      0       0     2       289      1       0     1
        ...    ...     ...    ..       ...    ...     ...    ..
         30      0       0    30       512      2       0     0
         31      0       0    31       ...    ...     ...    ..
         32      0       1     0       768      3       0     0
         33      0       1     1       ...    ...     ...    ..
        ...    ...     ...    ..       1024     4       0     0
         64      0       2     0       ...    ...     ...    ..
        ...    ...     ...    ..      1280      5       0     0
         96      0       3     0       ...    ...     ...    ..
        ...    ...     ...    ..      1534      5       7    30
        256      0       7     0      1535      5       7    31  
      The accumulation buffer is log compressed from 16-bits down
      to 8-bits.  This results in a product size of 768 (1536/2)
      The summation buffer memory is reused for the telemetry 
      packet buffer.  In addition four words are allocated just 
      before the summation buffer for a 2-word packet handling 
      structure and 2-word packet header.  The TOF DMA event 
      buffer follows the sum buffer(s).  Hoggish memory use is:  
          (words)   Description
           ------   ---------------
               2    packet handling structure
               2    packet header
            1536    accumulation buffer
            1540    total per product buffer
              20    product variables
              27    sub-task tss
            1587    allocation for 1st buffer
              27    task tss (at prod task creation)
            1614    Total allocation for 1-buffer product
            1540    allocation for 2nd buffer
            3154    Total allocation for 2-buffer product  
           After allocation, the memory is organized as follows:  
               One Sum Buffer              Two Sum Buffers
            Offset     Memory use       Offset     Memory use   
           ---------  --------------   ---------  --------------
           0000-0014  prod vars        0000-0014  prod vars     
           0015-002F  tss_s            0015-002F  tss_s
           0030-0031  tlm pkt struct   0030-0031  tlm pkt struct 1
           0032-0033  tlm pkt hdr      0032-0033  tlm pkt hdr 1
           0034-0633  sum buf          0034-0C33  sum buf 1
           0634-1033  TOF ring buf     0C34-1033  tlm pkt struct 2
                                       1034-1035  tlm pkt hdr 2
                                       1036-1C35  sum buf 2  
                                       1C36-2035  TOF ring buf    
      The events are collected from the Esic DPU Event board via
      a DMA interface.  The DMA interface is configured to prevent 
      periods of extremely high event frequency from excessively 
      preempting the CPU by monopolizing the bus.  The event 
      buffer size is set equal to the max # of events per 22.5 
      degree period (50 words).  
      P03 (P-EVTS.ASM), P08 (P-MASS.ASM), and P36 (P-CIS.ASM)
      share the TOF DMA channel.  Only one product at a 
      time can use the DMA.  If another product is using 
      the DMA when P08_TASK starts (see tof_inuse test in
      INIT_P08), P08 will kill itself.  (See also CIS.ASM.)  
      Thus, to init the DMA Event channel during task initialization, 
      the Enable flag is first set, then the channel address is 
      tested (if zero it's not been unmasked since reset).  If the 
      address is zero, set the Unmask flag, else test for a non-
      negative count.  If a negative count, set the Unmask flag.  
      Otherwise, the DMA event channel is already running, don't 
      need to Unmask it.  The Enable flag is the msbit and the 
      Unmask flag is the lsbit of the bit flag variable.  
      The event buffer is processed as a ring buffer by reading 
      the DMA channel address and maintaining pointers. To avoid 
      processor monopolization during bursts of events, this task 
      processes up to 20 events every 10 ms.  (Note: max rate is 
      100 events per 45 degree period, 125 ms; thus
      processing 20 events every 10 ms will  handle the 
      the maximum rate confortably .)  
      The 16-bit event data is defined below:  
                         TOF EVENT BIT DEFINITIONS
      | 0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13  14  15 |
      | 0   0  ps  sen ep      es                    tof              |
      MSbits: 00z = TOF event data; 11z = HV sector marker  
      ps  = proton suppression (0 = all, 1 = 1/16) (ignored by P08)
      sen = selected sensitivity (0 = L, 1 = H) (ignored by P08)
      ep  = event stop address - (ignored by P08)
      es  = event start address (anode #, 0-7)
      tof = time of flight (00-FFh)  
      If the two MSbits equal 00z, the word is a TOF event 
      (defined above).
      If the two MSbits equal 11z, the word is a HV sector marker 
      (defined below).  
                         DMA HV MARKER BIT DEFINITIONS
      | 0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13  14  15 |
      | 1   1   1   1   0               sector                        |
      sector = HV step number since SRP+phase (0000-07FFh, 0-2047),
               encompassing 4 HV steps per e-step, 32 e-steps per sweep,
               and 32 sweeps per spin as follows:  
      | 0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13  14  15 |
      | 1   1   1   1   0   sweep (0-15)      e-step (0-31)    HVstep |
      The 7 LSbits of "sector" are used to index the mass table 
      (Mass_t).  The mass table stores a value (square root of 
      Energy level at HV sector divided by the square of the 
      distance traveled by the particle?) which when multiplied by 
      the TOF value (plus a small offset; see above) will provide 
      a mass bin number from 0 to 63.  If the number is bigger 
      than 63, it is set equal to 63.  The semi-log mass sorting 
      criteria  gets directly   the first 20 masses achieved by the 
      above table and divides the results by two when the above 
      computed index is between 21 and 63.  


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