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From 1989-1993 attended the school of Integrated Humanistic Psychotherapy with ASPIC (Association for the Psychological Development of the Individual and the Community), Via Carpaccio, 32 - 00147 Roma Tel. 06/53.13.513, where he studied the theories of Humanistic-Existentialism: - Gestalt and Client-Centred Therapy - Non-directive Psychotherapy "Person-Centred Therapy" (C. Rogers) -Phenomenologically-Existentialist Psychotherapy (Rollo May, Irvin Yalom) - Gestalt's Directive Psychotherapy (F. Perls).

State Institution Training. In 1985, Intervention Techniques in Mental Health at Scuola Medica Ospedaliera di Roma e della Regione - Lazio, Borgo S. Spirito,3 - Rome;

In 1986, Psychosomatic Pyschotherapy and Meeting Groups at Scuola Medica Ospedaliera di Roma e della Regione - Lazio, Borgo S. Spirito 3 Rome.

- Participated in various congresses on Humantistic Psychology, organised by: S.I.P.S. (Italian Psychological Society) S.I.G. (Italian Gestalt Soceity) F.I.S.I.G. (Italian Federation of Gestalt Schools and Institutions) A.S.P.I.C.(Association for the Psychological Development of the Individual and the Community).

Commencement of Private Pschotherapy Began in 1987 in Rome as a member of the Association of Psychologists of Italy.

Teaching & Supervision From 1993 to 96 undertook teaching activities on Gay Counseling, Counseling (Rollo May), Meeting Groups (C. Rogers), Gestalt Therapy (F. Perls) and Integrated Psychotherapy (ASPIC)

Undertook monthly supervisions from1994 to1996 at the ASPIC School and is now qualified as Associate Supervisor of Studies. Has held seminars on homosexuality in numerous cities throughout Italy, notably at The International Institute of Sexology in Florence.

In 1994 co-founded ASPIC Counseling & Cultura in Rome (member of the European Association for Counselling) where he set up the Institue of GAY COUNSELING¨. In 1995, he produced an educational video with Dr Roberto del Favero on Gay Counseling¨, available from ASPIC.


Giusti E., Palomba M. (1993) L'attivita' psicoterapeutica. Etica ed estetica promozionale del libero professionista. Sovera Multimedia ed. Roma

Del Favero R., Palomba M. Identita' Diverse. Psicologia delle omosessualita'. 1996, Kappa ed. Roma

M. Palomba et al. Supervisione clinica integrata. (in press) Ed. Scientifiche A.S.P.I.C., Rome.

Palomba, M. & Martino, G. Chat to Chat, La Comunicazione on-line. Kappa ed. Roma 2000

Broadcast interviews: Video Uno: "Chorus" Sessosessualita'; 1991. Rai 2 :"Il coraggio di vivere" Violenza antigay; 1993. Video Uno: Dibattito sull'omosessualita' del 21/3/93, Roma. Teleregione Le pillole di Ganimede, con Stefano Campagna, June1994 - Dicember 1995, regular guest; OdeonTV "DIAGNOSI" Omosessualita', guest, 1996. Plus numerous other local television transmissions.

January 1997

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