*     From the interview of Piero Bianucci in “La guerra degli altri

- How was this book born?

«All my books are born out of acts of will, not because I lack “inspiration”, as they say, but because, until I retired, writing cost me so much effort that I had always had to impose it on me».

- What is writing for you?

«It’s never liberation. When I write, I continually think about what I am doing, even if I write just for a few hours. It is like an obsession. I feel released only when the book is published, not even when it is completed».

- Is it  hard for you to write?

«Very hard. I envy Italian writers because Italian is their own language. Sometime I still have to consult the dictionary, and often I am not satisfied with how the page flows».

   *     From the interview of Dario Voltolini in “L’Unità” on 11/3/1996

- Are there any writers you feel particularly close to?

«I don't know. Nobody, I believe. I read Italian writers, a lot, and I like them too, but my culture and my formation are not Italian. I think however, that some movies influenced me much more than any books».

- How is your job as a writer?

«Each book that I write, according to what I’m intending to tell, wants to tell by itself, it demands  its own language. A book, while I’m thinking about it, before I start writing it, already demands me to find its proper language».



