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“The "Veneziana" floor is composed by pebbles obtained by grinding blocks of marble. These pebbles have different sizes; those usually used to obtain this kind of floor have a diameter from about 0,5 to 5-6 cm. There are only ten, twelve colours to choose from. The beauty of these floors is enhanced by the presence of drawings and by the beautiful borders surrounding the entire perimeter of the room. The drawings are exclusive and are often initials, coats of arms or emblems of noble families; sometimes they depict classical or contemporary motives. An exhaustive catalogue, containing pictures of our works, is available to customers.

Realization Technique:

  1.  A foundation of sand and grains of about 4/8 mm has to be prepared and then perfectly flattened.

  2. A mixture of concrete and bricks powder, the so called “fondo rosso Bolognese”, has to be prepared. The ability of  the executer consists in obtaining the right consistency so that it can be spread by using a “sfrattona” or an american trowel.

  3. The marble grains have to be set on this mixture. 

  4.   In order to obtain the a perfect drawing, the first step is to position it with careful measurements. Afterwards, the border of the drawing is created by placing the stones one at a time.

  5. The rolling is then performed to flatten all the pebbles.

  6. The longest work, besides the drawing of the borders, is the setting of the "boiata", the same mixture as the "fondo rosso bolognese" but more liquid. The "boiata" is spread, rolled and wetted many times for two, three hours. The final result is a uniformly red floor.

  7. After about twenty days, using two kinds of machinery, the first smoothing of the floor is performed. Finally the floor is plastered with a mixture of concrete and red bricks' powder. After the plaster is dry, a first coat of linseed oil is applied.

  8. The second and final smoothing of the floor is performed with grindstones with thicker grains; once the desired smoothness is achieved, the floor is polished with a second coat of linseed oil.

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Technique 1

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Technique 2

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