ST.Joseph 's Day                       

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St.Joseph day Good Friday May 3rd August 15th Carnival

Is a deeply felt feast celebrated on March 19th. A lot of Bisacquino families prepare altars in honour of the Saint as a thanksgiving for some received grace. A St.Joseph altar consists of some steps with a picture of the Saint hanging on the top. Loaves of bread, which differ in size and shape, are scattered on the steps  with oranges, fennels and plates full of "pignolata" and "sfince" - both typical  St.Joseph's day sweets-while an intense scent of laurel coming from the branches at the side of the altar spreads all around. Some bread shapes represent Christian symbols ( fish, sheep…), the letter "M" stands for the name of the Virgin and there are also St. Joseph's beard and stick. At midday some poor people are invited to have lunch; they sit around a sumptuous laid table and their number must be not less than five and not more than thirteen. They symbolize the Holy Family  and all those saints for whom the host family has a special devotion. The first course is pasta added with sugar and toasted crumb followed by fried food and every kind of sweets , especially "pignolata" and "sfince". At the end every guest receives loaves like those on the altar. On St. Joseph's day the town streets are animated until late in the afternoon by people visiting the altars prepared by their friends or relatives.

altar prepared by  the students of Bisacquino Scuola Media  

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